Sunday, 6 June 2010

Why shouldn't it be hard work?

Talk by Seth Godin

Points to take away: (and gracias to the person who did the transcript)

  • There is no competence shortage. And if all you have is competence to offer, why on earth will we pay you extra?
  • when you get to work, pretty much the only skill you use that you learned at school is compliance [M: decent schools teach how to learn, how to think and how to question under all the trigonometry & stuff you probably never use again. If all you want from life is 'do a job', you may never use these, otherwise I disagree with this point]
  • there are some people if you give them a mile, they’re going to take an inch. If you give people this opportunity to do that art, to make that change happen, to have an impact, they’ll figure out how to minimize it
  • once you decide to break rules, then you can make intelligent choices about which rules to break. But if you’ve made the decision that your job is to follow rules, you don’t get to have the choice
  • if you win the race to the bottom, that’s where you’re stuck. Whereas if you race to the top, you might now win but it’s okay because you’re getting closer all the time
  • If we can shift the fear to the fear of not doing art, to the fear of not standing up to the fear of not running to the top, then guess what – the lizard becomes your friend.
  • We’re talking about winning one of the biggest games ever. We’re talking about having you impact on whatever universe you live in ... Why shouldn’t that be hard?

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